Coat of Arms Family Crest Meanings - Letter B

Belt Buckle
Victorious fidelity in
Bull / Ox
represents bravery and
generosity, The horns are
the strength and fortitude.
The calf is a old heraldic
tradition with the
properties of patience,
humility and
sacrifice connected.
Bay Leaves / Laurel
In antiquity it was a sign
of peace.Seen and stillness.
A symbol of victory and
glory, especially after one
long, inner struggle.
Beacon / Lighthouse
Somebody who is
watchful, who gave
a signal in time of danger
Symbol for liberality,
felicity, and peace
Bezant / Gold Roundel
Symbol for justice, virtue,
wealth and prosperity
Roundels can be
in different colors
of all species (blackbirds,
thrushes, red bird)
provide peace
and affection for
the home and family.
is the symbol of courage.
a champion with the
wild animals.
Boars head stands for hospitality
Book open
The open book signifies
When closed, signifies
counsel. Books are
generally a symbol of
learning/ knowledge
Governor or
He wears the emblem
of strength. A bear is
also a symbol of
healing and personal
health and bravery.
The bee is a sign of
industry, creativity,
wealth, diligence and
Symbol of royal power.
Represents industry and perseverance
One who is not
afraid of signaling
his approach in
war and peace
Represents awareness
of the powers of darkness
and chaos
Barrel / Tun
It may symbolizes a
vendor of beer or wine, hospitality
Heraldry Symbols Coat of Arms
In this section of our website we have selected some of the most common
coat of arms symbols, from time to time we update our list. There are
many imaginative variations and combinations in every crest design
that identifies the particular carrier /owner of a family crest.
Heraldic symbols in alphabetical ranking
Please note that the following listed symbol descriptions and meanings have been compiled from a
variety of heraldic sources. Besides these symbols being globally used, the opinions and
interpretations between heraldic researchers may vary slightly.
We update our page regularly with heraldic symbols !
Click on images for examples how the heraldic symbols may can be used in a Coat of Arms design